· Martín, J., Alonso, G., Dragani, W., Meyerjürgens, J., Giesecke, R., Cucco, A., Fenco, H. 2023. General circulation and tidal wave propagation along the Beagle Channel. Journal of Marine Systems, 240: 103889. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103889

· Carbajal, J.C., Chavanne, C. 2023. The role of the low-salinity, high-nitrate layer as a novel lateral mechanism for nutrient supply into the San Jorge Gulf (Patagonian Shelf) during mid-summer. Continental Shelf Research, 264, 105054.

· Caetano, L., Guallar, C., Martín, J., Vidal, M., Cotrim da Cunha, L., Vieira, R., Amora-Nogueira, L., Pelegrí, J.L. y Marotta, H. 2023. Multiple controls on carbon dioxide sequestration in the Beagle Channel (Southern Patagonia) in early fall. J. Mar. Sys., 239: 103858. DOI 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103858.

· Bruno, D.O., Valencia-Carrasco, C., Pacia, M.A., Leonarduzzi, E., Castro, L., Riccialdelli, L., Iachetti, C.M., Cadaillon, A., Giesecke, R., Schloss, I.R., Berghoff, C.F., Martín, J., Diez, M., Cabreira, A., Presta, M.L., Capitanio, F.L., Boy, C.C. 2023. Spring plankton energy content by size classes in two contrasting environments of a high latitude ecosystem: The Beagle Channel. Journal of Marine Systems, 240: 103876. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103876.

· Díaz P.A, Pérez-Santos I., Basti L., Garreaud R., Pinilla E., Barrera F., Tello A., Schwerter C., Arenas-Uribe S., Soto-Riquelme C., Navarro P., Díaz M., Álvarez G., Linford P.M., Altamirano R., Mancilla-Gutiérrez G., Rodríguez-Villegas C., Figueroa R.I. 2023. The impact of local and climate change drivers on the formation, dynamics, and potential recurrence of a massive fish-killing microalgal bloom in Patagonian fjord. Sci Total Environ 161288. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161288

· Rodríguez-Flórez, C.N., Paczkowska, J., Martín, J., Gil, M.N., Flores-Melo, X., Malits, A. 2023, Terrigenous dissolved organic matter input and nutrient-light-limited conditions on the winter microbial food web of the Beagle Channel. Journal of Marine Systems, 239, 103860. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103860.

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· Flores-Melo, X., Giesecke, R., Schloss I.R., Latorre M.P., Durrieu de Madron, X., Bourrin, F., Spinelli, M., Menniti, C., González, H.E., Menschel, E., Martín, J. 2024. Seasonal and spatial variability of vertical particle flux along the Beagle Channel (Southern Patagonia). Journal of Marine Systems, 241, 103913. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103913

· Latorre, M.P., Berghoff, C.F., Giesecke, R., Malits, A., Pizarro, G., Iachetti, C.M., Martin, J., Flores Melo, X., Gil, M.N., Iriarte, J.L., Schloss, I.R. 2023. Plankton metabolic balance in the eastern Beagle Channel during spring. Journal of Marine Systems, 240: 103882. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103882

· Valencia-Carrasco, C., Boy, C.C., Malits, A., Martín, J., Capitanio, F.L. 2023. Spatial distribution of zooplankton in the Beagle Channel in relation to hydrographic and biological drivers in different seasons. Journal of Marine Systems, 240: 103880. doi, 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103880

· Schloss, I.R., Pizarro, G., Cadaillon, A.M., Giesecke, R., Hernando, M.P., Almandoz, G.O., Latorre, M.P., Malits, A., Flores-Melo, X., Saravia, L.A., Martín, J., Guzmán, L., Iachetti, C. M., Ruiz, C. 2023. Alexandrium catenella dynamics and paralytic shellfish toxins distribution along the Beagle Channel (southern Patagonia). Journal of Marine Systems, 239: 103856. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2022.103856.

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· Presta, M.L., Xaus, L., Martín, J., Diez, M.J., Lovrich, G.A., Capitanio, F.L. 2023. Spatial distribution of Munida gregaria (Decapoda, Munididae) larvae in the silled Beagle Channel: insights from spring and autumn surveys. Journal of Marine Systems, 237: 103815. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2022.103815.

· Malits, A., Ibarbalz, F.M., Martín, J., Flombaum, P. 2023. Higher biotic than abiotic natural variability of the plankton ecosystem revealed by a time series along a subantarctic transect. Journal of Marine Systems, 238: 103843. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2022.103843

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